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Summer Backyard!

It's SUMMER TIME! Water Play or NOTHING! 為迎接熱辣辣既夏天, 玩水一定係最開心啦!

喺我地元朗私家花園 - Backyard, 除咗正常乾身家庭影, 一定唔少得個個小朋友都玩得開開心心既 Water period! 唔係是是但但喺studio 放盤水就叫 Water fun 架  想睇小朋友有幾開心?

familyphoto hkfamilyphotographer  香港家庭攝影  家庭相

由即係起至31/05, 凡預約 31/08 前拍攝的 Summer Backyard Session, 享有 15% off 🎁

From now until 31/05, for reservations of Summer Backyard Session before 31/08 , to enjoy 15% off discount 🎁

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operated by J.K.J.J. Production Limited, registed in Hong Kong SAR, China

© 2024 copyright by J.K.J.J. Production Ltd, Play with Picture Photography |HK Family Photo

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